
How to make a girl fall for you

Posted by Unknown | Posted in | Posted on Thursday, April 28, 2011

When i say girl, i mean single and ready to mingle. Anybody targetting married women or 12 year olds please consider Comitting suicide for the greater good. That being said, the word girl anywhere in the context that follows implies a girl more than 18 years of age and seeking a relationship. This article isn't intented to entertain anybody's sick fantasies.

The girl of modern times is no longer plain and simple. Her smile doesn't reveal an innocent child. Her eyes dont withold the arabian sea. Her lips aren't waves of cranberry juice. Her hair doesnt smell of the tropical forest. Theres no music in her voice. When she walks nothing happens in the universe. She is an outright bitch. Thats right. No other word sums her up better. But be as it may, unfortunately we still fall for them. Simply put; we need them, perhaps the only reason why they haven't gone extinct yet.

When it comes to casting a net on a girl. No longer can you impress her by rescuing her from thugs and riding off on a horse. The times have changed. Over the ages we men have set the bar really high. Theres a whole host of requirements that need to be fulfilled inorder to achieve the purpose. But you need not posses all the necessary traits and skills naturally. Fortunately no matter what the century the fact remains that girls are highly dumb beings. They can be easily fooled and manipulated. There are some easy steps to dealing with these insecure sobbing pysho-babbling creatures; a few key points that need to be covered. And instead of lingering for years in developing these, some agressive measures can be used as a work-around.

Reader discretion is advised, proceed at your own caution.

The target girl or the 'subject' must meet a certain criteria. She should be an acquaintance, nothing more nothing less. She must know you by name and face.

Following are the steps you need to follow:

1. Demonstrate your value

The first and the foremost step is about you proving yourself. It involves presenting yourself in a careful pre-planned manner. In a way that you come off as the perfect guy; caring, jolly, athletic and authoritative. Normally, it'd take months or perhaps even years for such situations to develop naturally where you have an opportunity to demonstrate your value. Luckily there is a situation that can be fabricated to give the same result.

The situation:

Buy a fake baby. The ones which can cry. Place it in a car and put the car on fire; a controlled fire. When the subject is in the immediate vicinity take off your shirt and dive into the fire to rescue the baby (athletic and caring). Save the baby and hand it over to a standby accessory. The subject being an aquaintance would approach you and inquire about your safety. Crack a joke about being the superman then introduce yourself as an accountant, an architect or a doctor.. anything professional (jolly and authoritative). Thus in about 15 minutes you'll have sucessfully established great value in the subject's eye.

2. Engage emotionally

Once you have demonstrated your value it'll be fairly easy to engage emotionally. Normal circumstances demand a slow approach. Leaving signs and hints here and there, now and then over a long stretch of time. Your approach will be to create an ideal situation.

The situation:

Arrange for the subject to be engaged in a conversation with you when you are approached by an accessory; a girl much prettier and physically superior than the subject, be she a hooker.. The pretty girl confesses her love to you when you turn her down saying you have feelings for somebody else. The pretty girl leaves crying and you turn towards the subject confessing possible feelings for her. Not love, nothing extreme. Just that you like her. Unless the subject suspects foulplay no way on earth would she reject you. No matter who the subject, considering the circumstances with the fact you blowing off a hotter girl would've left her believing she has a duty to engage emotionally.

3. Nurture dependence

After you have engaged emotionally you'll need to nurture dependence. Lead the subject into believing she cant do without you. In the times that we live, girls are more independent than they ever were, therefore it is highly unlikely for many situations to present themselves where the subject needs you or depends on you. Hence such circumstances must be created.

The Circumstances:

You need to cripple the objects of the subject's dependence. Firstly, slash her vehicle's tyres frequently so she depends on you for transportation. Cut the electrical power to her residence so she depends on you for shelter. Infect her with a bug sho she gets sick and depends on you for food and medicine. Stage her mugging so she depends on you for short-term finance and then as she is on the brink of independence push her over the edge by this final act:
Call the subject anonymously from an unfamiliar number. Fake an evil horrifying voice and threaten to stab her to death. Make it believable by making her aware that you know her address and her routine. Call her enough times until she is frightened to death and calls you for help. Go over to her place and calm her down by assuring you've taken care of the problem and she shouldnt expect such calls any further. As the subject is relieved from fear she'll realise she can't even survive without you, thus totally dependent on you.

4. Neglect emotionally

After you've nurtured dependence the subject will be completely under your influence. But we are far from done. The aim is to earn the subject's unconditional Love for eternity. The next step involves pushing her away; maintaining distance, ignoring her by means of cooked circumstances.

The Circumstances:

First step is to start avoiding seeing her. Reduce visual contact. Then start cutting down phone conversations. As soon as she senses distance, the subject will start asking questions. Do not respond to any of them. Keep blowing her off for some time and as you sense heat on her part give a short apeech about how you are afraid where this is going and don't wanna get involved in anything serious. Dont wait to listen to what she has to say to that, say your goodbye and go dark; absolutely no communication.

5. Inspire Hope

Severing any sort of contact with the subject would've left her angry, confused and emotionally vulnerable. After a week has passed since you cut her off its time to orchestrate the last step. The final piece of the puzzle; Inspire Hope. The objective is to re-initiate contact and revive hopes of eternal love. The situation has to be perfect.

The situation:

Contract a cold so that your nasal passage is blocked and your voice should comes off as sad. This is not a mere suggestion. The voice is a dealbreaker, make sure u sound like a sobbing widow. Confront the subject and confess that you tried staying away but you couldn't. You were afraid before but its already too late and you dont know how to live any other way. Explain how she has encouraged love in you; someone who thought he was incapable of Love. The subject's first reaction would be to express her anger for the past week. Change the direction of the coversation by dropping the L bomb. Say in your flu infected voice, the three magical words that shes dying to hear; i love you. When the subject realises you've fallen for her, she'll fall even harder. Thus by gaining you after almost losing you would leave her with the fear of losing you making it her objective to do everything to stop her from losing you. This way you've inspired hope for eternity and earned the subject's undying love.

A girl's heart is like a zombie and the above mentioned factors are vital to fulfill her emotional hunger. Hence, it is imperative that there be no compromise on any single area.

Now some people will have a tendency to misinterpret the information. They might mistake the whole combination for 'Love'. That is the wrong word to summarise the mix. After all Love is just a dellusion.. I must elaborate further by providing credible scientific evidence; According to a high-end classified experimental study, the ukranian scientists have discovered that it's biologically impossible for a male to experience Love. A set of controlled procedures were carried out on rats by means of industry class sophisticated equipment over many years in variable dynamic environments. The study thus revealed that Love is something that can only exist between a female and another female. And lets be honest, that doesnt really come off as much of a surprise. When you see two girls in action you know thats what Love really is. So if you really want to Love your girlfriend i suggest you undergo a sexual transition or for the much easier alternative please read: How to get rid of your girlfriend.

And the smarter ones just looking for some fun, do exactly as explained above. The chances of failure are next to none. I need not emphasize that the margin of error is minimal. With careful planning you can pull this off.

You are now in posession of extremely valuable information. Use it wisely..

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