The Comedy of Life
Posted by Unknown | Posted in 101, things | Posted on Monday, November 21, 2011
The greatest comedy of life is that theres no comedy in life. And that's a huge tragedy. Awful. Awful tragedy. Seriousness is a disease. As we grow up we tend to become more and more serious & hence less and less lively. Its a fact, kids are the liveliest people. Happy little buggers, full of life. But shouldn't it be the opposite? I mean as we approach death, shouldn't we be making more out of life? Instead we start worrying all the time, we develop stress-related diseases and welcome death.
When was the last time you saw a person who's always in a good mood? Someone you know who doesn't let problems get to him/her? Or anybody else for that matter.. The cashier at the local supermarket, the security guard at the bank, the cab driver.. Have you seen anyone lately who possesses signs of a person who's happy with his/her life? Unlikely. Instead everybody is a victim; of emotional battery, of some kind of tragedy. Everybody is a war-hero. And they can't wait to share their life-long sorrows. People all around with sad faces and their suicidal talk. Its fucking depressing and sooooo boorrrinnnggg!
Agreed that everybody has been treated unfairly, but that's the point! EVERYBODY.. There's that famous quote that goes 'Nobody dies a virgin, life fucks everybody'. So why be a bitch about it & complain? It doesn't change anything.. or Why keep it buried inside? Self-pity equals Self-destruction. Why not learn to let go? Why not move-on? Why NOT embrace the positive things in life..
And by 'Embrace life' i don't mean any of that 'tree of life' homo crap. I don't want you to open your arms and smile at the sky. That wont slow down the clouds and change your life. So none of that. All you need to do is change your attitude; change your perspective. Look at things differently. Don't let any problem get to you, no matter how big. Don't take it seriously, just treat it seriously. Don't let it affect your sleep or the rest of your life. Don't nag, whine or cry under the covers. Get over it!
There are all these people out there, warning you, scaring the crap out of you. "BE SERIOUS!" "If you don't do this then this will happen" "If you screw-up you are fucked for life" "If you don't get this, you'll never be happy" All of that is complete bullshit. Die fuckers. Die! Nothing happens. You can do whatever you want. You can either plan ten years ahead or you can worry about today. Who's to say one is better than the other? Do any of our plans ever get executed as we want them to? We are just stupid schemers, trying to be smart. We are way in over our heads. Planning 20 years ahead when we can't foresee 20 minutes ahead. I am not asking you to give it up altogether, do it right, but with the right attitude. You can either do something by working for it or by worrying for it. You'll realize that worrying about every single thing and worrying about nothing doesn't make much of a difference. Schemers are here and so are the people who don't give a shit. It doesn't really matter.
Take a look back at your life, of all the times that you got into trouble, how many times were you being plain stupid? Not many times. If troubles seeks you, you it shall find whether you are a stupid junkie or a smart cautious gentleman.
Its not a process, there are no do's and dont's. Just learn to find humor in everything you do. Make sarcastic remarks at life. Joke about fucking up. Laugh about screwing up. Be a person who can make fun of himself. Be courageous not stupid, remember there's a thin line.
Why do you think crazy people are always smiling and laughing all the time? They are happy because they can't think anymore. No thinking equals no worries. So stop thinking too much. Go insane, if that's what it takes. But introduce comedy in your life and lift your spirit and the spirits of those around you. Seriously, everything doesn't have to be so fucking depressing & boring. Live care-free and live happily. Or do the world a favor & jump off a cliff ASAP.
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