
Light at the End of the Tunnel

Posted by Unknown | Posted in | Posted on Monday, October 03, 2011

Pakistan. If I start talking about this country I’d never stop. There’s an exhaustive list of beauties and then there’s an equally exhaustive list of its flaws. What you believe about this country depends on a lot of factors, such as; where you live, in what condition you live, in what position; as a student or as a worker and mostly on how, when and under what circumstances you interacted with Pakistan. 

Most Pakistani residents hate Pakistan and can you blame them? They’ve lost time, resources and lives to the corruption of the country. They have a right to do so. Even I ramble all the curse words I can say in one breath every time the power goes out. But be as it may, if a foreigner utters as much as a single word against our land any Pakistani can muster the will power to cut his throat. We know this country is shitty, but we earn the right to talk shit about it by living here every day. It may be a toilet, but it’s our toilet and only, and only, we reserve the right to crap in it... 

If I ever think about a resolution in the country, it comes to me as the most far-fetched idea. Because even if there comes about a change I cannot, even in theory, think of a way that’ll help the country get back on its feet. Where does one start; the transportation network; the infrastructure, the municipality, the education sector, the electricity supply, where to begin? But that’s not my job, as a citizen of a democratic nation the least I can do is participate in the election and root for a sane leader. I can vote for someone I believe can bring about a change. I am not looking for a Wizard (trust me it’s not gonna take short of a miracle to heal this country) but I am looking for a change and hence by the common sense provided to me by God I’ll vote for a different leader. I’ll vote for Imran Khan, because even if I didn’t believe in him, which I do, I have enough dignity to not vote for the same people who have put this country in the drain. I cannot understand why people keep voting for the same parties who have bled this country dry, who have killed the spirit of every single Pakistani, who have taken away books from students, food from children and shelter from families. How stupid are we people? Einstein defined insanity as: “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result” Anyone who fails to grasp the simple principle here has got to be mentally retarded. Let me break it further down. Suppose I give you two guns and ask you to pick a gun and shoot yourself. I tell you the first gun is loaded and the second might or might not be loaded. Which gun are you gonna choose? If you pick up the first gun, then I hope you blow your fucking brains out. 

 I can’t say for certain that there’s a brighter future, but I’d like to believe it. Call me naïve, but I’d rather live on with the thought of a better tomorrow than accept our failure and lie down. There’s Hope. This country is magical, we have the power to rule the world if we get our minds straight and align our intentions. We just need a spark; we have a lot of potential and I know we do, because I have seen it being used for all the wrong purposes. All I ask is to start hoping again. Its gonna take all of us to save this country. We, the public, have to do it together. Because we are the largest force of this country. Fuck the governments, the monopolists, the corrupt corruptions, the mafia.. I am talking numbers. We can take on them in a heartbeat, but only if we extend our worries beyond the four walls that we reside in… 

 For now, all you gotta do is vote for Imran Khan. If he gets elected there’s a chance things will shape up. Even if they don’t... whatever he does there can’t be any regret, because realistically speaking we DO NOT have another option. And even if he goes corrupt I am sure he can’t compete with the current Sons of Bitches. We really outdid ourselves last election. Bravo Pakistan! 

So if you see a light at the end of the tunnel too, join hands with me and lets jump; take a leap of faith!
At the end its your own decision and if you decide to give the old parties another chance, whatever they do is on you.

They come, they fight, they destroy, they corrupt… IT ALWAYS ENDS THE SAME.

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